Tuesday, September 27, 2011

These are the times to remember, for they will not last forever.

Well, school is in full swing here in Cincinnati, so obviously it's taking up about 87% of my time. Which is fine, because that's how it should be. I LOVE my organic spectroscopy class, like my chemical separations class, and am already frustrated with my inorganic class. Which is pretty much what I was expecting, but oh, how I had not missed the homework that accompanies the classes. Again, the organic homework is fine, because it's doable and I get it. But this inorganic homework is going to make me go insane. Oh well, c'est la vie. It'll be a big help if I want to do synthesis later in life (which I do). But I still love UC, and I'm starting to meet more people in my program, which is always fun.

Besides school, I've been having some fun on the side. Oktoberfest the first weekend here, and last weekend, there was the free Guster show on campus, and then the Columbus Crew v. LA Galaxy game in Columbus and visiting Shelby! So it's not been all work and no play, but I definitely need to start studying this weekend for upcoming tests and try to get ahead in the readings. I need a relaxing weekend.

I've also been on a online buying spree (not ever a good thing), and I FINALLY purchased an iPod. How would one survive without it, people ask? Just ask me, I did it for YEARS. But I figure if I'm spending about 5 hours a week at the gym, the least I can do is sweat and listen to some music to keep me going (though I have gotten used to working out without music). Yes, you heard me right. 5. Hours. A. Week. At. The. Gym. Something to take my mind off chemistry for a bit, and help me lose those last pesky 10 pounds that don't want to go away. So I think the moral of the story is: more gym time, less online shopping.

Positive message for the day: Work hard to achieve your goals, and then once you reach them, reward yourself. Don't just work hard and never get any benefits (besides achieving your goals. obviously that's the important thing). Get yourself a fro yo if you got your homework done early. Take a nap if you scored well on a test. Take a Facebook break if you read a chapter of inorganic chemistry (or any book you really need to).

I hope everyone has a great week, as the Billy Joel song goes: "These are the times to remember, for they will not last forever." So let's make the most out of every day we're alive, no regrets, right? Might as well.

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