Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hello, Fall!

Somehow it snuck up on me, but it looks like it's the beginning of fall! (From the weather and also it's almost time for the first day of fall - Sept 21st) And with the beginning of fall brings many other beginnings:

The start of the school year: Yes, UC is still on the quarter system, which means our first day is not until Wednesday (coincidentally, the first day of fall!)... but I am very much looking forward to being back in an academic setting. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot in the "real world" aka the working world, but I also learned a very important thing: to get to where I want to be, I need more schooling than just a Bachelors of Science degree. So I'm looking forward to continuing my education, and meeting new chemists and finding new opportunities. Who says I have to stick with my original plan of cosmetic science? There's so many options with chemistry, it almost makes my head spin!

Getting into full-swing of football season: Walking to the Chase ATM on campus, I had to walk through "frat central", with the music blaring, cornhole being played, and drinks being imbibed. Everyone was dressed in UC gear, and I wondered why. Then I remembered that there was a home football game today against Akron. And nothing against my lovely Centre College Colonel football players (represent!), but I forgot what it was like to get excited about football games, and actually going to them! I definitely wouldn't trade my experience at Centre for ANYTHING, but it's refreshing to be in the atmosphere again of tailgating, and campus coming alive for one common theme: football. Football is a great fall event, and I can't wait to go to some home UC games and watch college football and the NFL on Saturdays and Sundays (by myself, if I have to!)

This is one of the first things I saw when walking to the student center. If you remember my affinity for giant blow up things (slides, moon bounces, etc.), you understand why I'm in love with the huge bearcat.

Yay for sweater weather!: I was lucky enough to see my lovely friend Andrew Synder last night, and went out for a drink with him and my housemate, Steph. And from walking outside before, it had gotten pretty chilly once the clouds had rolled in and the sun was starting to set. So luckily I had come prepared with my favorite sweaters! As much as I LOVEEEEE summer, there's just something about lounging around in sweats and going out into the fall cool air in your cutest sweater. I believe that a girl can never have enough sweaters (or clothing for that matter, am I right?).

There's so much more to look forward to in the fall (hot drinks, halloween, leaves changing colors, pumpkins, etc.), but those are definitely my favorite "beginnings" that come with fall. What's your favorite things to look forward to with the coming of fall?

Go out, enjoy the cool weather, and have a great weekend! It's the world's 2nd largest Oktoberfest this weekend in Cincinnati (the largest being the original in Munich), so that's where I'm headed for the weekend. You stay classy, people. Kisses.

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