Monday, October 7, 2013

Overall, I just want to be successful.

With the weather changing, and the temperature dropping, we come upon the season of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, sweaters, boots, fires, hot chocolate, and blankets. I LOVE FALL. But there is something about fall that makes me want to forget about work, and just porch sit like crazy with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Which is not beneficial to my production at school and getting ready for my third year talk... which is coming up in a month and a half. Yikes.

However, for our Life After Graduate School course, we took a tour of Givudan Flavors, just about 10 miles down the road from UC. Besides having a wonderful facility, and just being super cool in general, it reminded me that a job like that is the end game that I should be working toward with my work here in graduate school. For now, yes, the dissertation, papers, talks, etc. are all important (especially to continue on to get those things done), but that's not what I'm spending my entire 5 years trying to do. After my degree is done, I most likely won't ever look after this again. Which is slightly depressing, but encouraging at the same time.

But that tour helped to remind me what potential long-term goals I have for myself, and that I need to continue to work hard to get there. Talk about getting the push I needed to get motivated again. I want to get out of here with my PhD. That is the short term goal.

Long term, I want to be successful. In science. In relationships. In life, in general. And I think a lot of that comes with grad school, and making sure that I finish up strong. I want to make my life better, more comfortable. There a lot of things I want to accomplish, and I don't know everything yet I want to accomplish, but I need to get off my butt and get some work done.

Take a few minutes, and write down your goals that you want to accomplish. They could be for tomorrow, next month, next year, or long term goals. Once those goals are down, think about how you can accomplish those goals. Reward yourself once you reach your goals. Don't beat yourself up too much if you don't reach your goals; just make yourself work harder to reach the next one.

What is the main success that you want to accomplish in your lifetime?

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