Monday, January 13, 2014

I yam what I yam... though I'm not a fan of yams... or sweet potatoes most of the time.

Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like if I was a different person, or had a different attitude, a different way of growing up, a different lifestyle... it's nice to daydream about it.

But then I come back to reality, and realize I am what I am, I am who I am, and I can't change (most of) that. There are some little things I am working on... but overall I'm pretty happy with who I am at this point in my life.

... and then, I came upon this list. (P.S. I LOVE lists. To-do lists, lists about characteristics, lists of favorite books, movies, sports, etc., grocery lists; I could go on for forever. Listing what kinds of lists I love. lol)

I have considered myself to have a Type A personality. I get it from my momma, though I'm not as hardcore as she is. But she's a boss, so I can't say anything bad about that either.

Some of the characteristics that are completely true:

  • You're highly conscientious.
  • You frequently talk over and interrupt people.
  • You have a hard time falling asleep at night.
  • You put more energy into your career than your relationships.
  • You have a low tolerance for incompetence.
  • You'd be lost without your to-do list.
  • You're sensitive to stress.
  • You make it happen.
Soooooo... I know I pretty much just ruined over half of the article/list right there. But, still read it. I think it rings true to so many people.

While I can relate and see all these characteristics, there are many of these "character traits" that I need to rid from my personality. If it means becoming more of a Type A/B hybrid, so be it.

I have realized that I talk over people and interrupt people CONSTENTLY. I hate that I do that, but I haven't made a conscious effort to stop myself from being rude. That is one of my main resolutions this year. I know it comes from being impatient, and I need to slow things down.

I won't go through all these characteristics, because, let's be honest, no one really cares. If you know me, then you can see why I picked these. But. SERIOUSLY. Without a to-do list for daily tasks, weekly tasks, etc... I wouldn't remember to do about 83% of my things I want to get done. It's sad, but my memory just isn't what it once was. Maybe it's from smelling all those chemicals daily, or just thinking of too much. Thank goodness I like to make to-do lists.

Even though there are some Type A tendencies that are in a negative light, I do care a lot about my career, as well as the people in my life. It stresses me out sometimes, but I look at it that I'd rather care too much than not care at all. All I can do is try to not stress out as much, but still kick ass in life. 

Do you consider yourself to have Type A tendencies? Are there any tendencies that speak to you more than others? Would you want to change any of these if you feel like you have these characteristics? 

Overall, just try to be happy with yourself, where you are at this moment. It may all change tomorrow, but you'll figure that out when it happens. Live in the moment, and be happy doing it. I'm finally getting some pictures printed from Italy, and making my room a bit more homey. It's been a while since I've been able to do anything crafty. With that, and doing a little bit of Cincy photography coming up this weekend, I'm pretty excited for it all.

Have a wonderful week, and don't forget that Monday is now home to The Bachelor Season 18!!! OOOOOOOH JUAN PABLO. :)

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