What a crazy busy September! It turned to October and fall on me! From the UofL UK game, Annie's coming back to KY party, Sugar Ray concert, a high school friend's wedding, Oktoberfest Zinzinnati with friends coming to visit, and a trip to Columbus, hasn't been much time to do much else (besides some needed chemistry work, of course).
The main thing that has kept me busy since school started again is just my program in general. Classes + teaching + research = a full 10-12 hour day most days. Then it's time to come home, go to sleep, and do it all again the next day. While I know I complain about it (a lot... it's true. Some of you have probably heard more than your fair share of my whining), I think about what else I could be doing with my life instead.
I could be at my old job, working 8 hour days, just getting through the day, and repeating 5 days a week. Not loving what I'm doing, but tolerating it enough until something better comes my way. I could have been working for Brown-Forman, had that worked out, and probably be pretty happy. I could have gone to UofL to get my Masters' degree, and then be in the workforce in another year.
And then I take a look at where I am today. I worked my butt off to switch from the Masters' program to the Ph.D. program. I'm in a research group that I feel comfortable in and enjoy the research (most of the time). I'm teaching organic chemistry recitations and labs, and helping new students learn how awesome it is. (Believe me, it's freaking awesome) While it's VERY FAR down the road, I see a potential future that I couldn't see when I started the program.
So many times, it's easy to complain about how tough life is. I do it ALL THE TIME. I know I try not to, and it's hard to break that habit. But sometimes, it's nice to take a day, not do anything but watch your favorite TV shows, talk to some friends you haven't had the chance to catch up with in a long time, drink some freshly brewed coffee on a cool, fall day... and just take life in. Just let it happen to you... it doesn't have to be productive, it just has to... be, I guess.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons, and I think it's a very good thinking season as well. Go porchsit with a hot cup of cocoa; sit by the fire, roasting marshmallows and watching the fire burn; watching the leaves change colors day by day; getting ready for the best holiday, Thanksgiving, and what all we have to be thankful for in our lives. For me, it's the introspective season.
It's nice to just think about things... so if you need to, take a day and relax, and just think. Think about the present: how you got there and where you want to go. But also make sure you chill in the present for a bit, since it's so easy to look towards tomorrow. Revel in what is going on around you... this day is unique in its own way.
In a world where it's easy to forget about the good and focus on the bad, try to flip the script from time to time. You'll be amazed to see what you'll find.
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