It's November, and I have not written a blog post in about 3 months. These past few months have been rather odd for me. I've been so very happy in most aspects of my life, but for some reason I reached a "post third year slump" this summer and going into my fourth year at school. Chemistry was still interesting to me, but I couldn't stand to be doing the work I was doing. I didn't want to spend any time in lab. When I was in lab, I was not extremely motivated or efficient, and then when I was home, I would feel guilty about not being in lab. It was a strange feeling that somewhat permeated into other parts of my life, making me somewhat unhappy in the rest of my life when I had nothing to make me feel that way.
Knowing myself, being somewhat unhappy is a huge deal. I try to see the positive in every situation, every event, every decision... and I couldn't do that. I couldn't see an end to grad school, I couldn't visualize myself getting to that moment in time. So: I tucked myself away and mulled on those feelings, mostly alone, but with the help of some people as well. Those who understood the hardships of scientific research and academia, as well as those on the outside who could give a different perspective.
And guess what? It took about 3 months, but I'm back. I'm motivated. I'm interested in my projects that I've started and am excited to hopefully wrap up my main project in the next 4-6 months. I'm excited to work to getting publishable data... not just idly sit in lab and hope that things work out. I mean actively working towards my goals.
I've been trying to eat healthy and get a good workout in 3-5x a week, just to keep up energy and not be lethargic (coffee helps too). I've been trying to really think of what is good in my life, and what I am thankful for. I've been visualizing how to finish projects, and how to manage my stress. I am seeing results in that I feel rejuvenated again to do what I came to UC to do.
I know that I'm not the only one who goes through waves of doubt, sadness, regret, aka all the sad feels. Sometimes we don't know how to get out of those times. A fb friend posted this article (13 Ways to Successfully Move Through Difficult Transitions) and it really resonated with me. If you're also not really feeling entirely like yourself, see if some of these can help.
Just remember that life is a journey, and we should be enjoying the ride, no matter what detours come along the way.
I hope everyone had a wonderful fall... I think it's getting ready to be winter soon. Enjoy the month of November, and remember all the good you have in your life. Be thankful for it. :)