Please excuse the Owl City + Carly Rae Jespen song title. Sorry I'm not sorry. It's a catchy song.
I've been a bit MIA since the last time I had something to write about... mostly because I've been extremely stressed from school. Not saying that I'm stress-free now, I'm just dealing with it a lot better than I have been. Very little time to get research done + having to teach full time + boss needing results = later nights staying at lab + little time for much else besides sleep. But if it wasn't hard, everyone would be getting their Ph.D. in chemistry.
It's definitely hard to stay positive in a world of negative results (and sometimes negative people), but you just have to take one day at a time. You do the work, you feel okay when you get to play. Seeing some of my favorite people from college Labor Day weekend + seeing Louisville beat the snot out of Kentucky; seeing Sugar Ray with college friends + current roomies and then Chemistry Department party... doesn't get much better than that. :)
But that's what makes life worth it, isn't it? The hard work and rough times are worth it whenever you can balance it out with some fun times that make memories and friendships (either by renewing old friendships or making new ones). And it doesn't really matter where it happens: the lab, school, home, a bar, a friend's house, a sports game... as long as it's with people that you enjoy to spend time with, it'll always be a good time.
I know this is brief, but chemistry takes priority (per usual). Just keep your head up. Do the best you can, and the rest will fall into place. Don't worry about things you can't control (easier said than done), and remember to take time to relax/have fun. It makes hard work and fun times more rewarding.
Keep dreaming big, and thinking positive. Make goals, and go out and get them. Try new things. Dance around your room to your favorite song. Take a walk in the beautiful fall weather. Porch sit when it's raining. Life is a beautiful thing, let's remember to enjoy it.